About Us
Since 1996, New Hope for Kids has been helping Central Florida children in need. Our purpose is to bring hope, healing to children and families suffering from grief, loss or life-threatening illnesses. more.
A Wish 
Unlike other wish-granting organizations, New Hope for Kids Wish Program is not affiliated with a national organization, but is an independent, locally based charity that focuses on Central Florida children. more.
New Hope for Kids is funded though charitable donations by individuals, corporations, foundations and community service organizations throughout Central Florida. click here to donate.
A brave one:

When Jackson Hoeger's well-behaved, happy demeanor began to disappear, his mother, Jennifer, was worried. When the kindergartener's teacher noticed a dramatic change in his handwriting, Jennifer was really worried. She and her husband, Marty, took Jackson to a specialist, but test results appeared normal.
The next day, Jackson exhibited stroke-like symptoms and was rushed to the emergency room, where he experienced a long seizure — the first of many he would have in the coming weeks and months. That evening, Jackson had an MRI.
"Over the next few weeks, Jackson saw several doctors, all of whom had different opinions as to what was causing his symptoms," says Jennifer. After Jackson experienced another major seizure, one of his physicians believed he might have epilepsy. The Hoegers traveled to Mayo Clinic for a second opinion.
New hope wish lists
New Hope for Kids needs your help! Our programs are successful because of generous people like you! Please consider donating items to our non-profit organization more.
UCF Cornerstone
Since fall 2003, U.C.F. students from the Cornerstone Program have made a huge impact on New Hope for Kids children and families. In addition to raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for wishes and family events, they have also given of themselves. By hosting celebrations and events more.